Police and Military

The Federal Government lies to the Police and Military - Why?

In a document disseminated to police and military, titled Investigating Terrorism and Criminal Extremism - Terms and

Concepts (The number of innacurate statements in the document is very high, but I’m showing a small portion here.)

TERM: Concentration Camp: Detention camps supposedly being built, or already built by the United States Government,

according to conspiracy theorists.

REBUTTAL: The two words above to pay particular attention to are “supposedly” and “theorists.” The camps do exist. It

is not a theory.

TERM: Executive Orders:...The Patriot Movement ...contends that executive orders are Presidential Laws that bypass

Congress and subvert the Constitution.

REBUTTAL: The Executive Orders do bypass Congress and subvert the Constitution. Read the Constitution. It’s not

theory. It is fact

TERM: Oath of Office:

An oath public officials take that “patriots” claim binds them to the patriots’ view of duty. Perhaps the most common charge

leveled by anti government extremists is that their public officials are violating oaths of office if they enforce an unpopular law,

rule, or regulation.

REBUTTAL: The oath is to the U.S. Constitution. The words written in the above quoted document are lies. It’s not

“unpopular” laws that are resisted, but those which violate the constitution, and are therefore null and void.

“Police are more Dangerous CLICK HERE to the Public, than are Criminals.” Paul Craig Roberts

Null And Void - example

US district judge Katherine Forrest, in New York City's eastern district, found that the key section of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bestowing on any president the power to detain US citizens indefinitely, without charge or trial, "facially unconstitutional" Veterans: The American Dream writes: [They} ...keep sending our best soldiers back to Afghanistan and Iraq again and again, [they] ,,,don’t equip them properly, military suicides are at a record pace, hundreds of thousands of applications for veteran benefits are hopelessly backlogged, homelessness and unemployment among vets is much higher than for the general population, the condition of most VA hospitals is an absolute disgrace. Why do they do this to our military? Look here for an answer. But there is more: Ted Turner said that military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is “good.” Henry Kissinger said, “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Source: Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein The Final Days second Touchstone paperback edition (1994) Chapter 14, pp. 194-195 It is important to note that both Henry Kissinger and Ted Turner have made it clear they are eugenicists, who want a huge portion of the human population on earth eliminated. They are major players in the New World Order. But even worse than all that: Homeland Security Department intelligence assessment unfairly characterizes military veterans as right-wing extremists. Now, quoting from Shawn Helton and Neema Enriquez - to those who serve the system: The tyrannical empire you serve is full of depraved, sociopathic eugenicists whose goals are to consolidate wealth and take precious resources from around the globe. Through planned economic terror and preemptive wars in the guise of humanitarian interventions, the United States and western interests are pushing towards a shock phase of expansionism. [...] Our forefathers warned us about the dangers of an expansionist, authoritarian government which you have readily accepted. You have unknowingly sacrificed your freedoms for a moment of false security and a paycheck. You’ve been led to believe that there are both internal and external threats, opening the door for a larger police and military presence here in the U. S. as well as around the world. You have approved lethal, pharmaceutical drugs that have not been thoroughly tested for safety. You have turned a blind eye to companies that chemically engineer our food supply, compromising human sustenance for generations to come. The very agencies that claim to protect our national security have abused your trust. [...] Carroll Quigley, former professor at a number of “well respected” institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, Princeton and Georgetown University was deeply involved with advocating for this Marxist empirical network. In his 1,350 page book entitled “Tragedy and Hope” Quigley writes: “I know of operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years… and was permitted to examine secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims…” Quigley continues to describe the goal of the network which is: “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. His [the individual's] freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, tax contributions, health and medical requirements to his final retirement and death benefits.” The slow dismantling of our Constitution is taking place. At every level, the Bill of Rights is being stripped due to the need for modern day applications and interpretations to what the Founders intended. To any Constitutionalist, these intentions are very cut and dry, however the need for Constitutional awareness by Americans has never been more necessary. This has become even more evident with unconstitutional arrests of U.S. citizens who are critical of government policies or illegal business practices. [...] This is a letter to those who serve the system. You need to accept that our country has been taken over by a financial and scientific dictatorship. Those in charge of our wealth and resources have pledged to a dark empire. We need reject the predatory and illegitimate war making used to crush liberty. As the world is in decline, you will have to make a choice between freedom and tyranny. Future generations depend on it. Dissent is still the highest form of patriotism. Will you speak up for your country? Bruce Kettler comment: History shows that tyrants do not favor those who serve them. They do not favor their offspring either. So if you value your own life, and those of generations to come, you will not serve tyrants, and that does not mean you must resign, only that you will serve the people, and keep your oath of office while in service. Those of you who swore the oath: Military, Police, CIA, FBI, Politicians, let's look at the UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as it appears today. 892. ART. 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION Any person subject to this chapter who (1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Okay, let's imagine a person in a higher position says, GO KILL YOUR MOTHER! GO KILL YOUR WIFE! What do you do? It is not lawful to commit murder. So, the order is unlawful. You do not obey it. You are responsible to know that law. You don’t need anyone to advise you about what to obey, or not to. Here is the oath for those in the military. There is similar wording for others. [You will] ...support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic... What is the Constitution? It is THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. It is supreme, and no other law, or order, supercedes (can go above it). It also says you will obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over... [you], according to the regulations and the UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE [which specifies that you are to obey lawful orders.] But, first, and foremost, you will obey the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Why does this oath exist? It is there because the meaning of the word “constitution” is what it consists of. The U.S. Constitution is what the United States consists of. If you betray the constitution, you are treasonous to your country. Here’s the link for more detail regarding The First Amendment, and Deputy Sheriff, Stan Lenic. In regard to the Second Amendment, suppose the president decides to sign into "law" something to confiscate the guns of innocent Americans. It's contrary to the Constitution. Your commander tells you to participate in that fraud. What do you do? You refuse. Second Amendment - U.S. Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. That is written in the Constitution because the founders knew, from history, that to maintain freedom the people must be armed. Many millions of people in the last century, under both Communism and Fascism, were first disarmed, and then slaughtered. Free people are armed, and slaves are disarmed. The Security of this free state, this United States, is dependent upon the right to keep and bear arms, because governments cannot always be trusted. It has been proven that because of the presence of firearms in certain areas of the U.S., crime has decreased, thus firearms in the hands of good people make peace. Countries are safe from attack by outside forces because of the presence of their own armed forces, and by the arms held by ordinary citizens. Letter to those who serve the system Secret Homeland Security Threat Assessment Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists OathKeepers Organization Government Treats Veterans Like Garbage Here is the “Radicalization into Violent Extremism” document. Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars.com October 2, 2012 A leaked U.S. Army document obtained by Wired Magazine characterizes people “frustrated with mainstream ideologies” as potential terrorists, while also framing those who “believe in government conspiracies” as violent radicals. COMMENT: Supposedly there are no government conspiracies. One is supposedly a “violent radical” to accept the truth that the official story of the September 11, 2001 events are a fraud. Do you believe over 1500 Architects and Engineers are “violent radicals”? “These are some warning signs that that you have turned into a terrorist who will soon kill your co-workers, according to the U.S. military. You’ve recently changed your “choices in entertainment.” You have “peculiar discussions.” You “complain about bias,” you’re “socially withdrawn” and you’re frustrated with “mainstream ideologies,” writes Spencer Ackerman. The manual (PDF) was produced in 2011 by the Asymmetric Warfare Group, a unit within the U.S. Army headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland. The document is intended to weed out “internal threats” within the ranks of U.S. soldiers. Given that both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have identified returning veterans as one of the primary domestic terror threats, the document is seemingly designed to spot such radical extremists well ahead of time. Examples of behavior that is considered an indication of potential terrorism include the following; - Complaining about bias; - Being frustrated with “mainstream ideologies”; - Being reclusive; - Believing in government conspiracies “to the point of paranoia”; - Visiting “extremist” websites or blogs; - Altering your reading habits; - Having “peculiar discussions”; - Being “highly emotional”; - Using “social networks”. COMMENT: Looks like a huge number of people are supposedly “potential terrorists,” according to this document.
© 2012 We Are Change Huerfano
We Are Change Huerfano
Police and Military

The Federal Government lies to the Police

and Military - Why?

In a document disseminated to police and military, titled Investigating

Terrorism and Criminal Extremism - Terms and Concepts (The number

of innacurate statements in the document is very high, but I’m showing a

small portion here.)

TERM: Concentration Camp: Detention camps supposedly being built, or

already built by the United States Government, according to conspiracy


REBUTTAL: The two words above to pay particular attention to

are “supposedly” and “theorists.” The camps do exist. It is not a


TERM: Executive Orders:...The Patriot Movement ...contends that

executive orders are Presidential Laws that bypass Congress and

subvert the Constitution.

REBUTTAL: The Executive Orders do bypass Congress and

subvert the Constitution. Read the Constitution. It’s not theory. It

is fact

TERM: Oath of Office:

An oath public officials take that “patriots” claim binds them to the

patriots’ view of duty. Perhaps the most common charge leveled by anti

government extremists is that their public officials are violating oaths of

office if they enforce an unpopular law, rule, or regulation.

REBUTTAL: The oath is to the U.S. Constitution. The words

written in the above quoted document are lies. It’s not “unpopular”

laws that are resisted, but those which violate the constitution, and

are therefore null and void.

“Police are more Dangerous CLICK HERE to the Public, than are

Criminals.” Paul Craig Roberts

Null And Void - example

US district judge Katherine Forrest, in New York City's eastern district, found that the key section of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bestowing on any president the power to detain US citizens indefinitely, without charge or trial, "facially unconstitutional" Veterans: The American Dream writes: [They} ...keep sending our best soldiers back to Afghanistan and Iraq again and again, [they] ,,,don’t equip them properly, military suicides are at a record pace, hundreds of thousands of applications for veteran benefits are hopelessly backlogged, homelessness and unemployment among vets is much higher than for the general population, the condition of most VA hospitals is an absolute disgrace. Why do they do this to our military? Look here for an answer. But there is more: Ted Turner said that military suicides outnumbering combat deaths is “good.” Henry Kissinger said, “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Source: Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein The Final Days second Touchstone paperback edition (1994) Chapter 14, pp. 194-195 It is important to note that both Henry Kissinger and Ted Turner have made it clear they are eugenicists, who want a huge portion of the human population on earth eliminated. They are major players in the New World Order. But even worse than all that: Homeland Security Department intelligence assessment unfairly characterizes military veterans as right-wing extremists. Now, quoting from Shawn Helton and Neema Enriquez - to those who serve the system: The tyrannical empire you serve is full of depraved, sociopathic eugenicists whose goals are to consolidate wealth and take precious resources from around the globe. Through planned economic terror and preemptive wars in the guise of humanitarian interventions, the United States and western interests are pushing towards a shock phase of expansionism. [...] Our forefathers warned us about the dangers of an expansionist, authoritarian government which you have readily accepted. You have unknowingly sacrificed your freedoms for a moment of false security and a paycheck. You’ve been led to believe that there are both internal and external threats, opening the door for a larger police and military presence here in the U. S. as well as around the world. You have approved lethal, pharmaceutical drugs that have not been thoroughly tested for safety. You have turned a blind eye to companies that chemically engineer our food supply, compromising human sustenance for generations to come. The very agencies that claim to protect our national security have abused your trust. [...] Carroll Quigley, former professor at a number of “well respected” institutions of higher learning such as Harvard, Princeton and Georgetown University was deeply involved with advocating for this Marxist empirical network. In his 1,350 page book entitled “Tragedy and Hope” Quigley writes: “I know of operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years… and was permitted to examine secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims…” Quigley continues to describe the goal of the network which is: “nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. His [the individual's] freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, tax contributions, health and medical requirements to his final retirement and death benefits.” The slow dismantling of our Constitution is taking place. At every level, the Bill of Rights is being stripped due to the need for modern day applications and interpretations to what the Founders intended. To any Constitutionalist, these intentions are very cut and dry, however the need for Constitutional awareness by Americans has never been more necessary. This has become even more evident with unconstitutional arrests of U.S. citizens who are critical of government policies or illegal business practices. [...] This is a letter to those who serve the system. You need to accept that our country has been taken over by a financial and scientific dictatorship. Those in charge of our wealth and resources have pledged to a dark empire. We need reject the predatory and illegitimate war making used to crush liberty. As the world is in decline, you will have to make a choice between freedom and tyranny. Future generations depend on it. Dissent is still the highest form of patriotism. Will you speak up for your country? Bruce Kettler comment: History shows that tyrants do not favor those who serve them. They do not favor their offspring either. So if you value your own life, and those of generations to come, you will not serve tyrants, and that does not mean you must resign, only that you will serve the people, and keep your oath of office while in service. Those of you who swore the oath: Military, Police, CIA, FBI, Politicians, let's look at the UCMJ, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, as it appears today. 892. ART. 92. FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER OR REGULATION Any person subject to this chapter who (1) violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation; (2) having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by any member of the armed forces, which it is his duty to obey, fails to obey the order; or (3) is derelict in the performance of his duties; shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Okay, let's imagine a person in a higher position says, GO KILL YOUR MOTHER! GO KILL YOUR WIFE! What do you do? It is not lawful to commit murder. So, the order is unlawful. You do not obey it. You are responsible to know that law. You don’t need anyone to advise you about what to obey, or not to. Here is the oath for those in the military. There is similar wording for others. [You will] ...support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic... What is the Constitution? It is THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. It is supreme, and no other law, or order, supercedes (can go above it). It also says you will obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over... [you], according to the regulations and the UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE [which specifies that you are to obey lawful orders.] But, first, and foremost, you will obey the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Why does this oath exist? It is there because the meaning of the word “constitution” is what it consists of. The U.S. Constitution is what the United States consists of. If you betray the constitution, you are treasonous to your country. Here’s the link for more detail regarding The First Amendment, and Deputy Sheriff, Stan Lenic. In regard to the Second Amendment, suppose the president decides to sign into "law" something to confiscate the guns of innocent Americans. It's contrary to the Constitution. Your commander tells you to participate in that fraud. What do you do? You refuse. Second Amendment - U.S. Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. That is written in the Constitution because the founders knew, from history, that to maintain freedom the people must be armed. Many millions of people in the last century, under both Communism and Fascism, were first disarmed, and then slaughtered. Free people are armed, and slaves are disarmed. The Security of this free state, this United States, is dependent upon the right to keep and bear arms, because governments cannot always be trusted. It has been proven that because of the presence of firearms in certain areas of the U.S., crime has decreased, thus firearms in the hands of good people make peace. Countries are safe from attack by outside forces because of the presence of their own armed forces, and by the arms held by ordinary citizens. Letter to those who serve the system Secret Homeland Security Threat Assessment Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists OathKeepers Organization Government Treats Veterans Like Garbage Here is the “Radicalization into Violent Extremism” document. Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars.com October 2, 2012 A leaked U.S. Army document obtained by Wired Magazine characterizes people “frustrated with mainstream ideologies” as potential terrorists, while also framing those who “believe in government conspiracies” as violent radicals. COMMENT: Supposedly there are no government conspiracies. One is supposedly a “violent radical” to accept the truth that the official story of the September 11, 2001 events are a fraud. Do you believe over 1500 Architects and Engineers are “violent radicals”? “These are some warning signs that that you have turned into a terrorist who will soon kill your co-workers, according to the U.S. military. You’ve recently changed your “choices in entertainment.” You have “peculiar discussions.” You “complain about bias,” you’re “socially withdrawn” and you’re frustrated with “mainstream ideologies,” writes Spencer Ackerman. The manual (PDF) was produced in 2011 by the Asymmetric Warfare Group, a unit within the U.S. Army headquartered at Fort Meade, Maryland. The document is intended to weed out “internal threats” within the ranks of U.S. soldiers. Given that both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have identified returning veterans as one of the primary domestic terror threats, the document is seemingly designed to spot such radical extremists well ahead of time. Examples of behavior that is considered an indication of potential terrorism include the following; - Complaining about bias; - Being frustrated with “mainstream ideologies”; - Being reclusive; - Believing in government conspiracies “to the point of paranoia”; - Visiting “extremist” websites or blogs; - Altering your reading habits; - Having “peculiar discussions”; - Being “highly emotional”; - Using “social networks”. COMMENT: Looks like a huge number of people are supposedly “potential terrorists,” according to this document.
We Are Change Huerfano
© 2019 We Are Change Huerfano