Police and Military
Bruce Kettler
Click here for information about what firearms in the hands of police has to do with the Radical Liberal Mindset.
See what Military Personnel have done that was murderous, and brutal.
Update: November 26, 2014 americans-killed-by-cops-now-outnumber-americans-killed-in-iraq-war/
First of all, to be clear, not all police are murderers, thieves, or brutal people. Not all police departments have many bad cops. Not all Sheriffs
Departments are predominantly bad. There are good people who serve for the right reasons.
When there are means to subdue a suspect, and a cop’s life is not in danger, shooting an unarmed person is not a reasonable option.
Innocent people are being shot and killed - all over the US - on a routine basis. The numbers have been increasing in recent years, and most of the guilty
cops just continue as officers, doing the same things again.
So, everyone reading this, when you see cops engaged in any significant activity in the US, VIDEO THEM! It is legal.
Good Police, follow the example of the late Officer Jack McLamb. He was fired repeatedly for doing the right thing. Then he was reinstated by good
politicians. He then retired, and was later involved in political activism. Much of his writing is available free on the internet. Look him up.
Cops, get involved politically in reforming your own police department, and work to change the police departments all over the country. We have to save
this country together.
Remember this, the NEW WORLD ORDER does not like cops. They manipulate, and use, them. In the end they do not have the best interest of police in
MILITARIZATION has a purpose. Increasingly, the US Federal Government has been gaining more control over local police, and Sheriff’s, departments.
1. This is to create a conflict between the people and the police. It is a “divide and conquer” strategy.
2. This is to create a force that controls the people politically, with fear.
Be aware that the US Federal Government is, largely, controlled by the New World Order.
Most important, for both police and military, history shows that tyrants will use you, abuse you, and then discard you. Note, also, that as you enable
tyranny, you are causing the decline of your own country. You, and all your family, will be subject to increasing tyranny.
So, what does a victimized public do about brutal, and murdering police?
A great man says the police in the US are dangerous. He says they are more dangerous than criminals.
Why are the police in the US that way?
What do we do about it?
First, it was done incrementally. They didn't just one day become that dangerous. It started to really get bad during the 1960's, and gradually came to
what it is today. Many are now hired according to 2 criteria:
1. How stupid they are. Smart people are not hired, except for high ranking positions.
2. How violent they are. If they are violent, that's good for them to be hired.
This does not mean all police, Sheriffs, or all police chiefs are violent or stupid.
There are 3 websites to pay attention to for solutions:
1. Peaceful Streets Project http://peacefulstreets.com/
2. Cop Block http://copblock.org/
3. Innocent Down http://www.innocentdown.org/
First, before we go into why, and what to do, let's explain what MARTIAL LAW is, and why we don't want it. Martial law is military rule. Under that,
citizens who complain about police will have no legal recourse. They cannot sue anyone, and if arrested many will get no trial.
What is the New World Order (NWO)?
The NWO wants to start trouble, because the leaders are hidden in armed compounds, and suffer none of that conflict. With trouble comes an excuse for
martial law, and more control over the people.
In Ferguson MO, recently, the NWO has increased racial conflict, and they have caused the spread of it throughout the US. Read this FAX I sent to the
Huerfano County, CO, Sheriff yesterday about that conflict.
Police misconduct of this sort is NOT A RACIAL PROBLEM. All races are being attacked in the US.
Everyone who suffers at the hands of police should SUE THEM! You may have to do it yourself, because too many lawyers are afraid to go against the
police. Learn how at...
Sue the police department and the individual "officer." There is a filing fee. It's worth it.
With many people suing the police, taking video of police activities, and filing complaints, it will put a halt to their program of MURDER, FALSE ARREST,
and BRUTALITY. This will prevent physical conflict, and a resulting martial law.
Now, for the police involved in MURDER, FALSE ARREST, and BRUTALITY, you are a pawn in a big political game many of you know nothing about.
History shows that the tyrants in other counries have gotten rid of police after they were done with them. If the NWO ever got complete control, it wouldl
start out that you will be deprived of firearms after you finish your day's work. Your firearms will be kept where you are on duty. Then, eventually, you will
be replaced by FOREIGN troops. The UN Plan 7277 is for total and complete disarmament. What will happen to you after you are no longer needed?
You figure it out.
The quoted parts are from an article by DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. It is true. "At the state and local level every American faces brutal,
armed psychopaths known as the police."
In Huerfano County Colorado we don't have this problem. However, all throughout the United States, this is what is going on. THE COPS ARE
I'm not talking about civilian criminal types that are homicidal maniacs. I'm talking about the common criminals who are just looking for CASH,
JEWELRY, GUNS, and stuff like that, so they can sell the goods. Cops, and their relatives in other areas of the country, are subject to this
danger, also. A good cop who travels out of their own area in civilian clothes is subject to this. They can take out their wallet at a check point,
and be shot, and the cop just has to say that they thought the wallet was a gun. A good cop's mother, or father, in another state can be shot,
tazed, or beaten.
Imagine yourself in a bank that is being robbed. What is the average criminal's interest? It's not you. It's the money that the bank has. When
he or she is finished, their main interest is to get away. You, standing there, are safer in that bank with criminals than you are with cops. If, god
forbid, the police arrive when the criminals are robbing the bank, you are in real danger, because cops are, on average, very careless when
they shoot their guns.
If you call the cops because criminals are on your property, you also put yourself in danger. The criminals are less of a danger to you than the
The average criminal knows that if he/she kills you, the charge is murder. If they only rob you, it's robbery. The penalties are vastly different.
The cop who shoots, and kills you, usually gets a free pass. That's the main reason the criminal is far safer to deal with.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts continues, "The American police perform no positive function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the
criminals who operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished."
Sound harsh? Probably, you have been watching too many cop shows on TV. Are you brainwashed, and have lost your ability to reason
properly, or to do any kind of real research?
Do you know who DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS is? Well, here it is:
Paul Craig Roberts:
...a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting
shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored
with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House.
His website is http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/
Police and Military
Bruce Kettler
Click here for information about what firearms in the hands
of police has to do with the Radical Liberal Mindset.
See what Military Personnel have done that was
murderous, and brutal.
Update: November 26, 2014 americans-killed-by-cops-now-outnumber-americans-
First of all, to be clear, not all police are murderers, thieves, or brutal people. Not all police
departments have many bad cops. Not all Sheriffs Departments are predominantly bad.
There are good people who serve for the right reasons.
When there are means to subdue a suspect, and a cop’s life is not in danger, shooting an
unarmed person is not a reasonable option.
Innocent people are being shot and killed - all over the US - on a routine basis. The
numbers have been increasing in recent years, and most of the guilty cops just continue as
officers, doing the same things again.
So, everyone reading this, when you see cops engaged in any significant activity in the US,
VIDEO THEM! It is legal.
Good Police, follow the example of the late Officer Jack McLamb. He was fired repeatedly
for doing the right thing. Then he was reinstated by good politicians. He then retired, and
was later involved in political activism. Much of his writing is available free on the internet.
Look him up.
Cops, get involved politically in reforming your own police department, and work to change
the police departments all over the country. We have to save this country together.
Remember this, the NEW WORLD ORDER does not like cops. They manipulate, and use,
them. In the end they do not have the best interest of police in mind.
MILITARIZATION has a purpose. Increasingly, the US Federal Government has been
gaining more control over local police, and Sheriff’s, departments.
1. This is to create a conflict between the people and the police. It is a “divide and
conquer” strategy.
2. This is to create a force that controls the people politically, with fear.
Be aware that the US Federal Government is, largely, controlled by the New World Order.
Most important, for both police and military, history shows that tyrants will use you, abuse
you, and then discard you. Note, also, that as you enable tyranny, you are causing the
decline of your own country. You, and all your family, will be subject to increasing tyranny.
So, what does a victimized public do about brutal, and murdering
A great man says the police in the US are dangerous. He says they are more dangerous
than criminals.
Why are the police in the US that way?
What do we do about it?
First, it was done incrementally. They didn't just one day become that dangerous. It started
to really get bad during the 1960's, and gradually came to what it is today. Many are now
hired according to 2 criteria:
1. How stupid they are. Smart people are not hired, except for high ranking positions.
2. How violent they are. If they are violent, that's good for them to be hired.
This does not mean all police, Sheriffs, or all police chiefs are violent or stupid.
There are 3 websites to pay attention to for solutions:
1. Peaceful Streets Project http://peacefulstreets.com/
2. Cop Block http://copblock.org/
3. Innocent Down http://www.innocentdown.org/
First, before we go into why, and what to do, let's explain what MARTIAL LAW is, and why
we don't want it. Martial law is military rule. Under that, citizens who complain about police
will have no legal recourse. They cannot sue anyone, and if arrested many will get no trial.
What is the New World Order (NWO)?
The NWO wants to start trouble, because the leaders are hidden in armed compounds, and
suffer none of that conflict. With trouble comes an excuse for martial law, and more control
over the people.
In Ferguson MO, recently, the NWO has increased racial conflict, and they have caused the
spread of it throughout the US. Read this FAX I sent to the Huerfano County, CO, Sheriff
yesterday about that conflict.
Police misconduct of this sort is NOT A RACIAL PROBLEM. All races are being attacked in
the US.
Everyone who suffers at the hands of police should SUE THEM! You may have to do it
yourself, because too many lawyers are afraid to go against the police. Learn how at...
Sue the police department and the individual "officer." There is a filing fee. It's worth it.
With many people suing the police, taking video of police activities, and filing complaints, it
will put a halt to their program of MURDER, FALSE ARREST, and BRUTALITY. This will
prevent physical conflict, and a resulting martial law.
Now, for the police involved in MURDER, FALSE ARREST, and BRUTALITY, you are a
pawn in a big political game many of you know nothing about. History shows that the tyrants
in other counries have gotten rid of police after they were done with them. If the NWO ever
got complete control, it wouldl start out that you will be deprived of firearms after you finish
your day's work. Your firearms will be kept where you are on duty. Then, eventually, you will
be replaced by FOREIGN troops. The UN Plan 7277 is for total and complete disarmament.
What will happen to you after you are no longer needed? You figure it out.
The quoted parts are from an article by DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. It is true.
"At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths
known as the police."
In Huerfano County Colorado we don't have this problem. However, all
throughout the United States, this is what is going on. THE COPS ARE MORE
I'm not talking about civilian criminal types that are homicidal maniacs. I'm talking
about the common criminals who are just looking for CASH, JEWELRY, GUNS,
and stuff like that, so they can sell the goods. Cops, and their relatives in other
areas of the country, are subject to this danger, also. A good cop who travels out
of their own area in civilian clothes is subject to this. They can take out their
wallet at a check point, and be shot, and the cop just has to say that they thought
the wallet was a gun. A good cop's mother, or father, in another state can be shot,
tazed, or beaten.
Imagine yourself in a bank that is being robbed. What is the average criminal's
interest? It's not you. It's the money that the bank has. When he or she is
finished, their main interest is to get away. You, standing there, are safer in that
bank with criminals than you are with cops. If, god forbid, the police arrive when
the criminals are robbing the bank, you are in real danger, because cops are, on
average, very careless when they shoot their guns.
If you call the cops because criminals are on your property, you also put yourself
in danger. The criminals are less of a danger to you than the cops.
The average criminal knows that if he/she kills you, the charge is murder. If they
only rob you, it's robbery. The penalties are vastly different. The cop who shoots,
and kills you, usually gets a free pass. That's the main reason the criminal is far
safer to deal with.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts continues, "The American police perform no positive
function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who
operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces
were abolished."
Sound harsh? Probably, you have been watching too many cop shows on TV. Are
you brainwashed, and have lost your ability to reason properly, or to do any kind
of real research?
Do you know who DR. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS is? Well, here it is:
Paul Craig Roberts:
...a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate
editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of
prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The
Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a
documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been
released by Random House. His website is http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/